Terms and Conditions




Travchance.com came to exist for one main purpose which is providing its clients the best possible travel experience and unforgettable memories about the beauties and wonders of Egypt, the country of million monuments. To ensure a smooth flow of information and accordingly a comfortable trip, please carefully read and accept all the items mentioned hereafter in this section in order to enable us to provide the maximum standard of service.


  1. Pricing Policy:


TravChance.com prices its offers after meticulous negotiations with our partners and service providers. We always ensure that the price we offer is higher value for money than of any other travel agency if all details and features are taken into account.


Since the price of accommodation varies depending on the number of guests per room as well as on the room level, we calculate the accommodation item accordingly. Prices offered on this website are based on accommodation in a standard room in the mentioned hotel (or hotel category) per person in double room including bed and breakfast unless otherwise stated. Supplement of single rooms under the same room category are available on the booking section of each tour that includes overnight accommodation. For upgrading your accommodation to a higher room level or to change your board plan to half or full board or to all inclusive system, please send us your request by email and we will get for you the best deal for such upgrades.


Hotels and other types of accommodation are mentioned on TravChance.com as a quality indicator rather than as a guaranteed product. Reservations are made after booking confirmation according to availability in the mentioned hotels or other ones of similar quality. Published prices are inclusive of tariffs and other costs at the time of publishing and are subject to changes based on market price of service components.


Children: Unless otherwise stated in the booking section, children will be charged according to the following plan:

  • From 0 ~ 2 yr.: Free of charge with no extra bed.
  • From 2 ~ 6 yr.: 25% of an adult’s cost calculated as per person in double room. Extra bed will be provided unless otherwise stated.
  • From 6 ~ 12yr.: 50% of an adult’s cost calculated as per person in double room. Extra bed will be provided unless otherwise stated.
  • From 12 ~ yr.: Treated as an adult.


Chances Tours vs. Tailor-made tours :  Prices of tours in Chances Tours, City Tours and Hot Deals are set in advance. You can select the basic tours as well as the add-ons by yourself. You then have the choice to check-out and pay for your tour or to send an enquiry to add special requests to your itinerary. If you select to check-out and buy your trip, you will be asked to choose whether to pay in full or to pay a deposit of 50% while the other 50% will be collected immediately upon your arrival to the pick-up point. In both cases, the price stipulated are final and unnegotiable. We assume that once you check-out and pay in full or in part, you agree the price as explained in the tour section. Tailor-made tours on the other hand are curated based on the special requests that you will share with us. We will send you two to three options to choose from based on our understanding of your preference. Those offers will have estimated price. Please note that estimated prices are just guidelines of the price average since we will be able to price your trip only after you choose the option you prefer. Once you agree the final price, you will be requested to check-out and pay same as in the case of Chance Tours.


Room-Lists: TravChance.com is designed to give the choice to the guests to choose the number of rooms and the number of guests in each room. We will do our best to coordinate a smooth rooming process based on the accurate information we receive from the guests before arrival.  However, in some particular cases, the hotel might decline the stay of certain guests at the same room due to societal norms and traditions. In such cases, any additional rooms required to accommodate the excess guests will be directly charged to the guests.


  1. Price Changes: Since we do not compromise on the service quality, we have less options in case of any market price spikes. In such cases, we will notify you on the price changes and we will explain exactly the reason of the change and the item(s) that led to such a change. In this case, you have the choice whether to continue your booking or no. Price changes up to 20% of the original offer are not considered enough reason for cancellation. Accordingly, the cancellation policy mentioned hereafter under the section “Cancellation” will apply. If the price escalates by more than 20% of the original offer, the client have the choice to cancel the trip with 20% cancellation charges regardless the lead time left before the trip.


  1. Date Changes: Once you check-out for your trip we will immediately book your trip to secure your accommodation and other tour components. Date change requests have to be submitted proper in advance. We will do our best to help shifting your tour to the new date according to availability. However, this might not be always guaranteed. If we cannot secure the availability in the new dates, you will need to choose between running the tour on the original dates or cancelling the tour according to the cancellation conditions mentioned hereafter.


  1. Cancellation:


  1. Cancellation Procedure: A cancellation request should be sent via email to hello@travchance.com. Please make sure to send all the booking details including the guest names, the booking code, and the tour dates. It is quite important that you send such requests proper in advance in order to enable us to negotiate on behalf of you to mitigate losses and to reduce cancellation fees. Unless otherwise stated in the tour section, cancelling your trip will incur the following scale of charges:
    • 40 days or more before arrival date: 3% of the entire offer price
    • 40 ~ 20 days before arrival date: 20% of the entire tour price.
    • 20 ~ 10 days before arrival date: 40% of the entire tour price.
    • 10 ~ 2 days before arrival date: 50% of the entire tour price.
    • 2 days or less before arrival date: 100% of the entire tour price.
  1. Refunds: A refund of cancelled tour will normally be made after deducting the cancelation fees to the same account and using the same method of payment of purchasing the tour within a maximum period of 14 working days. No refunds should be expected in case of cancellation less than two days before arrival date or in case of no-show.


  1. Domestic Flights: Unless otherwise stated, prices offered do NOT include air tickets. If domestic flights are included in an offer, the price will be estimated based on the average price in the approximate flight time. Real prices might vary at the time of real booking. Any changes in flight prices will be charged to the customer without prior notice and regardless of the percentage of price change. Requests for specific flight times or changes to previously booked reservations may result in changes to the total price of the package according to the flight booking policy of the air carrier.


  1. Special Requests: travchance.com is completely alerted to all the special requests of its clients. We believe the capability to cater the special requests is what differentiate us from other travel agents. Please make sure to benefit from this feature and let us know proper in advance about your preferences, food diets, physical disabilities, health issues, phobia, seat preferences, etc…. so that we can duly and timely arrange it for you. However, we still reserve our right to decline any special request that lies outside our capacity or contradicts with the societal norms and traditions of the Egyptian society.



  1. Boundaries of Responsibility: com acts as the marketing representative of reputable authorised travel agencies working in Egypt under the Egyptian law. We are typically responsible for promoting for tour packages carried out by these authorised travel agencies. Thus, the responsibility of TravChance.com bounded to the accurate and timely delivery of information about the tour packages, inclusions, prices and conditions as conveyed by the associated travel agencies. It is also responsible for the timely transfer of payments between the customers and the travel agency (in order to secure the related booking) and back (in case of cancellation). These boundaries of responsibility implies that TravChance.com is always indemnified from any legal, financial or moral responsibility about the failure of meeting the satisfaction of its customers that might happen due to any of and not limited to the following reasons:


  1. Any transportation delays due to traffic problems, governmental actions, labor strikes, riots, mechanical breakdown, fuel shortage, etc…
  2. Any injury, illness, damage, loss, accident, or irregularity to person or property resulting directly or indirectly from weather, acts of God, force majeur, acts of government or other authorities, wars, civil disturbances, labor strikes, riots, theft, mechanical breakdowns, quarantines.
  3. Any defaults, delays, cancellations or changes made by any hotel, air or land carrier, restaurant, museum, Nile cruise, park. No financial compensation has to be expected from TravChance.com for any of these reasons or otherwise of any other reason except those resulting from the default of properly fulfilling the responsibilities stipulated hereabove in the first paragraph of this item.


  1. Visas, Travel Insurance, health certificates:com in selling tour packages to Egypt postulates that guests intending to visit Egypt has arranged or are able to arrange their entry visa to the Egyptian territories by their own, carry or are able to carry valid travel incurrence and carry or are able to carry valid health certificate in compliance with health authorities in different airports on their route to Egypt. The default of acquiring any of those documents is the sole responsibility of the guests and any cancellation or no-show that might occur due to the absence of any of those documents will be fully charged by the guests.


  1. Complaints: We suggest our guests to keep us posted on immediate basis with any trouble or problem that they might face while in Egypt. The email is the best way to explain the problem and its causes. support@travchance.com is the proper email for this purpose. We will take all necessary measures to solve your problem as fast as we can. When a problem is beyond our capacity, we help you convey your complaint to the concerned authorities.


  1. Use Consent: We thank you for reading and understanding these terms and conditions and the rationales behind them. We consider your navigation on TravChance.com and benefitting from its products and services as an explicit consent of all the terms and conditions mentioned hereabove.


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